English Summer Camp 2023
English Summer Camp 2023, organised by PMI Poland Gdańsk Branch, is already behind us. The main theme of the event was ECO WORLD. On 7 August 2023, educational workshop entitled “Threats to the environment and humans from waste electrical and electronic equipment” was held at the Secondary School Complex No. 1 in Pruszcz Gdański. 26 children aged 8-13 from Poland and Ukraine participated in the workshop.
The aim of the workshop was to raise awareness of the threats resulting from improper handling of waste electrical and electronic equipment, to promote selective collection of electronic waste, and to develop a pro-ecological attitudes among young recipients. The ECO workshop was conducted by the leader of the Gdańsk Branch of PMI, Mrs. Agnieszka Kaczmarek-Kacprzak – an electrical engineer and a long-time lecturer at the Gdańsk University of Technology.
The workshop consisted of several parts:
• Building awareness among participants about the risks associated with improper disposal of electronic waste – children talked about what electronic waste may be generated in their homes and where it should be thrown away so that it does not pose a threat to the environment.
• Demonstrations of examples of e-waste collected by PMI volunteers; all e-waste after the workshop were placed in a special container for e-waste at the waste collection point in Pruszcz Gdański – the demonstration was intended to show that a telephone, kettle, charger and other broken or unnecessary electrical and electronic equipment should be brought to dedicated collection points.
• Searching for dedicated containers for collecting electronic waste on the premises of the school where the English Summer Camp was held.
• Creating an art work with a message to the world about how to take care of our planet to protect it from the negative impact that improperly disposed of electronic waste may have.
See you at English Winter Camp!