English Summer Camp 2022

Date: 18/07/2022

The next edition of the English Summer Camp organized by the PMI Poland branch Gdańsk is behind us. Educational classes entitled: “Threats to the environment and man from waste electrical and electronic equipment” took place on the 21st of July 2022 at the Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit Elementary School No. 88 in Gdansk. The classes were attended by 26 children aged 9-14 years from Poland and Ukraine.

The purpose of the classes was to raise awareness of the dangers of waste electrical and electronic equipment, to promote the reduction and elimination of risks associated with the above, and to awaken pro-environmental attitudes. The classes were held in the form of an educational discussion providing an opportunity for children’s involvement and interaction (children’s self-reporting and direct encouragement of active participation).

The second part of the class took the form of a workshop. During the educational discussion, the general theme of ecology was introduced, attention was paid to the average amount of waste generated by the average Polish resident, and the process of waste separation was discussed, distinguishing between fractions and their appropriate labelling. Particular attention was paid to electro-waste by identifying the types, points of return and recycling possibilities. The essence of reduction, reuse and recycking was discussed. Direct and indirect risks caused by electrical and electronic equipment were emphasized when electro-waste ends up in the wrong landfill. The necessity of returning electro-waste to appropriate institutions, companies and collection points was stressed.

At time of the workshop, the children were divided into subgroups within which they had the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity while making posters to reinforce the message of the educational talk and consolidate the knowledge they had acquired.