The waste electrical and electronic waste collection competition – DRNE 2021
This year’s edition of the ”Dobre Rady na Elektroodpady” competition [Good Advice Regarding Electrical and Electronic Waste], the aim of which is to boost pro-environmental attitudes among primary school students in the field of correct handling of waste electrical and electronic equipment and waste portable batteries and accumulators, takes place in accordance with the plan, despite restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic and remote education. This is thanks to a immense commitment of both the pupils participating in the competition and their school guardians. It is only through their determination and creativity that we manage to organise the collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment and waste batteries, the results of which are truly impressive. We keep our fingers crossed for all Eco-teams participating in the 12th edition of the competition. Their involvement in the competition activities in the current difficult situation proves that it is worth carrying out environmental education activities aimed at primary and secondary school pupils.