Environmental education in Pruszków kindergartens

Date: 30/05/2023

Children protect the environment

On 12 May, our EcoEducators visited 4 Pruszków public kindergartens. The selected kindergartens take part in the cyclical project “Children protect the environment. Child-friendly environment.” During the educational workshops, conducted using games and activities with an environmental focus, kindergartners from Public Kindergartens No. 3, 4, 6 and 12 were learning about the ins and outs of proper waste separation and how to correctly deal with used equipment and used batteries and portable accumulators. During the classes, children also learned about the problem of used packaging and broadly understood ecology and living according to the Zero Waste concept. The education was, of course, supported by our nicest EcoEducator AURELKA, who invariably brings a joyful smile to the faces of young ecologists. We are delighted that the kindergartners, despite their very young age, already know a lot about ecology. They are no strangers to the concept of electro-waste and they are aware that it must not be disposed of with other waste. They know that electro-waste may contain substances hazardous to health and life and needs to be collected selectively. The enthusiasm and commitment of the kindergartners show that it is worthwhile to educate the youngest children, to shape correct habits and awareness of the real impact they have on the environment. The children happily take the knowledge they have acquired to their homes. They educate their siblings, parents and grandparents.

The competition for collecting used batteries and portable accumulators

The competition for collecting used batteries and portable accumulators, which had been ongoing since 16 January, also came to an end on 12 May. The kindergartens participating in the competition compete for attractive prizes in kind. The establishments winning places I to III will receive prizes funded by AURAEKO. Prizes for places IV to VI will be funded by Pruszków City Hall. The results of the competition will be announced during the grand finale on 20 June 2023. Once again, the event will be hosted by the Public Kindergarten No. 13 in Pruszków. Representatives of all the kindergartens that took part in our competition, as well as representatives of the municipal authorities, will meet at the gala. As every year, the emotions of the finale will be accompanied by a performance by kindergartners from Public Kindergarten No. 13.